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Friday news summary

For the first time since August, fewer than 100 positive cases have been detected in Prague on a working day

On Thursday, 98 confirmed new cases of coronavirus were detected in Prague. For the first time since last August, the increase in those infected fell below one hundred in the capital on a working day. In a week-on-week comparison, this is a decrease of about 80 cases.

GPs to receive vaccines soon

Hundreds of thousands of people who did not want to travel to large vaccination centers for the Covid-19 vaccine and preferred to register with their general practitioner should finally receive their first dose. According to Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO), they will start receiving the Moderna vaccine in their surgeries next week, and will receive 454,000 doses by the end of June. 23,000 seniors over the age of 80 are still waiting to be vaccinated by practitioners, the prime minister said.

Sixteen buildings will light up red to remind AIDS victims

The Dancing House, the Petřín Tower, the Žižkov Tower in Prague, but also the JAMU Film Faculty in Brno or the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Ústí nad Labem - a total of sixteen buildings will glow red to commemorate AIDS victims. The Slovak National Theater and the Nová Cvernovka Art Center in Bratislava will also be added. The buildings will light up at 8 pm on the occasion of the International Day of Remembrance for AIDS Victims.

Vaccination to be recognized among 4 central European states

The Minister of Health Petr Arenberger (for ANO) announced on Thursday that from Saturday the Czech Republic will recognize mutual confirmation of vaccination against Covid-19 with Poland, Hungary, Austria and Germany. According to Arenberger, there are also talks with Slovakia. Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO) also spoke about Slovenia in the Chamber of Deputies last week.

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