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Monday news summary

Restaurants and gyms are opening with limitations

From today, primary schools, secondary schools and lower grades of grammar schools return to a normal regime of education. Until today pupils learned a week from home and a week at school. Along with schools, outdoor seating in restaurants and fitness centres are opening with specific conditions.

Visitors of reopened restaurant gardens, some indoor sports grounds and outdoor cultural events have to pass a coronavirus test, have been vaccinated a minimum of 14 days prior or have had the illness a maximum of 90 days prior the visit.

Outdoor cultural events allowed

As of today, open-air cultural events with the participation of up to 700 people can take place in the Czech Republic. The government should also decide today that from next Monday it will be possible to increase the capacity of outdoor events to 1,000 people and at the same time start organizing indoor events. The condition for participation in all the mentioned events is and will be either a negative test, a completed vaccination or a previous infection with Covid-19.

Vaccination registration for people over 40

Since midnight, people over the age of 40 have had the opportunity to register for vaccination. 34,000 people had registered so far. The registration system was down for about 50 minutes after midnight. The system did not allow people who wanted to use the option to register, and later there were problems with confirmation messages.

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