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Monday news summary

Vaccination registration for people over 35

Since midnight on Monday, all people over the age of 35 can register for vaccination against Covid-19. From midnight on Wednesday, registration will also be open to the 30-34 age group. The government expects to allow everyone else over the age of 16 to register for vaccination from the 1st of June onwards.

So far, the most numerous group consists of people aged 40 to 44, who can apply for vaccination from the 17th of May - there are over 900 thousand of them. A week later, the system was opened to a group of 35 to 39 years as well, which is more than 800,000 people more.

However, some of them have already received the vaccine - codes enabling priority registration have been given to health professionals, workers in education, social services, critical infrastructure and also patients with chronic diseases.

Restaurants may fully open in the middle of June

Restaurants could open on the 14th of June. It is a part of a long-term strategy that will be discussed by the government council for health risks today, and later the government could discuss it. The proposal also assumes, for example, that after returning from vacation, people should be tested for coronavirus.

Theatres and cinemas are opening

Theaters, cinemas, concert halls and, for example, circuses may reopen today after a several-month break caused by the measures against the spread of coronavirus. Cultural events indoors can take place with the participation of a maximum of 500 people, the organizers can occupy a maximum of half the capacity of the halls. The open-air events, which have been allowed since last Monday, can be attended by up to 1,000 people, so far the stop has been 700 people. Even in this case, a maximum of half the capacity of the space must be filled.

Pupils are returning to schools

Today, state school-leaving examinations begin in secondary schools. At the same time, students return to full-time learning, which, with the exception of one week in December, they did from home since October of the Covid-19 epidemic. Theoretical teaching can also be resumed by universities, where, however, the examination period is usually already starting.

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