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New test rules

In June, two PCR and four antigen tests will be covered by the public health insurance - instead of free antigen testing every three days.

The government has not yet decided on testing during the holidays or after returning from abroad - but wants to make the tests available to travellers. At the same time, the prices for insurance companies and self-payers will decrease. From July 1, the PCR test should cost the insurance companies around 600 crowns, antigen tests should be 250 crowns.

Test, proof of vaccination or a recent illness are currently needed for attending events or using certain services. The PCR test is valid for 7 days, antigen for 48 or 72 hours depending on the type of service. Protection after illness is 180 days, proof of vaccination is valid 21 days after the first dose.

The Minister of Health Petr Arenberger (for ANO) has addressed criticism of letting people vaccinated with one dose only be exempt from testing for events or services. According to him, a person with one dose of the vaccine is about as safe as someone with a negative antigen test.

A similar period of 22 days after the first dose of the vaccine was also agreed between Czechia and neighbouring countries to allow travel without the need for a test or quarantine. Since last Saturday, Austria, Germany, Poland and Slovenia have joined - and Slovakia is due soon.

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